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Tenancy Verification
Tenancy ID and Application Screening
All tenants must be identity checked, but how do you know they are who they say they are?
Quickly bulk screen applicants to verify they are who they say they are before the tenancy life cycle begins.
Our fast and accurate tenant identity checks can be performed with in-situ tenants or at point of application for new tenants meaning you can free valuable staff to provide front line services.
Tenancy Misuse
Identifying tenancy misuse not only reduces tenancy fraud but also minimises the cost of providing temporary accommodation and lowers the waiting time for social housing.
Datatank provides Local Authorities and Social Housing providers with a simple and cost-effective means of determining tenancy misuse.
Our service identifies tenancy fraud such as subletting, succession and right-to-buy, allowing you to focus your resource where it is most needed.
Tenancy Trace
More than often a tenant in rent arrear will leave the property and give no details of where they are moving to, meaning the debt is left unpaid.
It is time consuming and resource intensive to trace a tenant who has absconded. Even when the tenant is traced, further work must be carried out to understand if they are able to pay the debt owed.
Datatank trace former tenants with outstanding rent arrears, where their whereabouts is not known. We will give insight into the movement of that tenant between addresses.
Fraud Investigation
We understand that it is time consuming and resource-intensive to investigate and prosecute tenancy fraud. You may also be a social housing provider who does not have the rights under the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Act 2013 (PoSHFA 2013).
This is where we can help, whether you are a Local Authority or social housing provider.
Did you know these
Tenancy Facts
£1.8B in Cost
Tenancy fraud costs the public purse almost £1.8 billion a year and is recognised as the second largest area of annual fraud within the public sector.
98,000 Fraudulent tenants
There are an estimated 98,000 homes that are occupied by individuals or families who should not be in residence or have obtained the tenancy as a result of fraud.
Knock on Impact
There are approximately 2 million people on the social housing waiting list in England with an average waiting time of 7 years.
Features & Benefits
Reduced Cost
Reduces administration time, costs and effort involved in processing, analysing and the investigation process
On Demand
Advanced data screening against multiple additional data sources
ISO27001 acreddited, cloud-based solution providing access to real-time resident information
Integrated with Opus Case Management, or other in-house management systems